See what we are up to -
and join this August-December
Fieldnotes, in action
In 2019 we held systemic design weekend workshops and used this process to work on systems change to air pollution. This 2020 roadshow is a result of the air team's process. More on the site here, or on the fieldnotes here.
Tackling Air Pollution
Join our 2020 Campaign for Policy Change and Creative Community Activation -
See it all at right2cleanair.com
A snapshot of context
Why tackling air pollution matters now
The #right2cleanair: a take action series on PM2.5 and COVID
This live series served as a prelude to our campaign launching August 2020; you can catch up on the recordings and reflective posts on Medium HERE
From 2.5PM to Zero
Was developed as a #right2cleanair 'take action; series on PM2.5 and COVID
Session #1 Kickoff (April 22)
"Invisible Enemies" - how COVID-19 and air pollution connect- and what does that mean for Thailand?
Session #2 (April 29)
"Fighting Fires" - the importance of the forest fires in the north of Thailand and ways to help the victims
Session #3 (May 6)
"Grassroots to Gov"- how can Thailand turn the tide of pollution and guarantee citizens the right to clean air?
Our core team meets weekly to drive things forward -
reach out if you would like to join or support
© 2025 Circular Design Lab
The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but building the new.
- Socrates