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  • CIRCULAR DESIGN LAB2019-2020 Gatherings

    There are and have been several different events – from documentary screenings, to open talks, systemic design workshops, "studio nights", and zero waste cocktail gatherings – all designed to build community and upon the discoveries that emerge as we learn. All talks are inclusive, free and open to the public.

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    What happened at

    the 2.0 Launch Event?

    #climateaction #circulardesign

    It took place in the heart of Bangkok -

    We dove into what it takes to tackle waste management, air pollution and unsustainable fast fashion.

    This is a space where talk leads to action and now we invite people from all walks of life to join us for the Systemic Design Workshop Series - more below!

  • CDL 2.0Waste, Air Pollution, and Sustainable FashionSystemic Design Workshops

    In November and December We Held the FollowingWho's co-leading the workshops? Take a look at the team and profiles here. About systemic design as an innovation process: Our workshops are designed to build off of one another, so from the first workshop to the last we learn about systems change and human centered design as tools that help us discover possible ways to see the challenges (of waste, air pollution, fashion) in new and different ways. We strive to find 'leverage' points, or strategic ways to experiment with solutions to the challenges we see. We will work in teams- you can come alone, encourage a friends to apply with you or simply meet other likeminded folks to become a team with during the workshops.


    Systems Design

    Workshop 1

    Co:Initiating Lab


    Time: 11am-5pm


    Understanding and listening to the 'system' is step zero. By the end of the workshop teams will form and prepare to develop a common understanding of their urban challenge.


    Systems Design

    Workshop 2

    Co:Sensing Lab



    Time: 1-5pm


    Teams will be guided through an intentional process that blends elements of design and systems thinking with behavioral insights.



    Systems Design

    Workshop 3

    Co:Creation Lab



    Time: 1-5pm


    Teams will refine their ideas especially in terms of experimentation strategy and foresight. The non-linear process of iteration will be emphasized as the teams get ready to test in the idea networking section.


    Systems Design

    'Open Studios'

    Co:Synthesis Lab

    DECEMBER 2 + 10

    Time: 6-8pm


    Teams will meet to build and develop their prototypes and cross pollinate ideas, research and insights. This informal space will be held at Cafe Na at Bangkok 1899 and include design 'coaches on the floor'.


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    CDL Lab 1.0 'Idea Salon'

    May 2019

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    CDL Lab 1.0 Launch Event

    March 2019


    Welcome to the Circular Design Lab's Real Time Crowdsourced R+D Systems Map. We are creating a digital space to capture the perceptions of the local challenges, opportunities, solutions and more- specifically in relationship to Bangkok's Waste Management System- the first 'Lab Case' of the Circular Design Lab.

    Add to this map by writing on the 'virtual post-it note' here: http://bit.ly/VIRTUALNOTE

    Lab 1.0 Launch - 13 March 2019 and updated at our September 25th 2.0 Launch to include additional themes like air pollution and unsustainable fast fashion.


    Go Here to Contribute:
